Meaning application testing
What does application testing mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word application testing. You can also add a definition of application testing yourself


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application testing

<testing> (Or "application testing") A type of testing to confirm that all code modules work as specified, and that the system as a whole performs adequately on the platform on which it will be deployed. System testing should be performed by testers who are trained to plan, execute, and report on application and system code. They sh [..]
Source: (offline)


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application testing

Application testing refers to testing all the modules within CareConnect. Testing was done to make sure the processes and workflows contained within it work as designed to enable faculty and staff members to use the system to do their jobs. Teams used scripts, or scenarios, such as admitting a patient or scheduling a patient, to make sure the appli [..]
Source: (offline)

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